Ghost Gurillaz
Music Network

More Than Just a
Musician's Directory

We’re helping everybody that does anything with music get paid to do what they like.  This is a website for music.
There’s no spam here so WE WILL DELETE ANYTHING POSTED THAT DOES NOT HAVE TO DO WITH MUSIC. is the perfect platform for music creation & promotion. Make a profile and get the connections you need. Get gigs and much more!

Our business is driven by a strong desire to make networking in the music industry as easy as possible.

With no credit card requirements we’re the only website of our kind. is a place where the business and connections you need will come to you if the site is properly used. Are you looking for places to play music and get paid? Are you looking to join a band, or do you need a new band member? Do you need help composing music? How about mixing or mastering services? Are you a pro at record producing, making beats, or DJing and want to Get paid? Do you want to make a video or get some good pics? Maybe you’re looking for a promoter, a booking agent or band management, or you’re a producer ready to sign a new band. Even if you want to learn, get paid to teach, make money fixing instruments or just need a quick substitute to fill in for a band member, Ghost Gurillaz is here for you!

Register now, add your media and links & use the discussion forums to

Get noticed and

Get connected with Ghost Gurillaz.

Just so you know, we follow all of the CANSPAM rules and do not share or sell your information. We also have 100% secure connections on the hosting for the website above what’s standard in the industry. We’re not here to spam, I promise.

We’re here to help MAKE GREAT CONNECTIONS FOR great musicians and ALL MUSIC industry skills and services.

REGISTER NOW! Click the link above or below to go to the Registration Page and register now for free. Remember to check the “I’m not a robot” box and follow the instructions in the conformation email to complete your easy registration process. If you’d like to sign up for our email list remember to check the “I’m not a robot” box there as well. Signing up for our email list only does not make you a registered member. You must be a member to participate in the discussion forums to Get noticed and friend and message with other members to Get new band mates, connections, clients, and customers.

Pass it on! Begin enjoying all of the exposure and music networking benefits of GhostGurillaz by completing the entire easy registration process and Get your own network Going by getting everybody you know in music to register to Each member of your band needs to register individually first. Then you can follow the easy step-by-step instructions on our HELP VIDEOS page to

Get Gigs.

Let’s start getting you paid more to do what you love in music. Register Now. You can select as many skills as you want if you register on your phone. Put in a good profile picture and some good media to gain exposure and show what you can do. Your media is safe here. It can’t be downloaded. Adding your media to your page is a good way to prove what’s yours if you haven’t had it legally copyrighted.

Even if you’re just a fan of music wanting to check out the music seen with up and coming musicians and bands



Ghost Gurillaz
Music Network


The people with the skills to complete your sound and excel your business could be very close to where you live. Start making the connections you need  and  Sign Up now! Click on the link below to create your own unique profile that shows what you can do and
start contacting your perfect music industry team  TODAY!

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For any questions, comments, offers, or to add a skill or genre, send an email. We'll get back to you asap.


©2024 Ghost Gurillaz

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